
Diamondsoccurinavarietyofcolors—steelgray,white,blue,yellow,orange,red,green,pinktopurple,brown,andblack....Coloreddiamondscontain ...,Fromchartstograding,findeverythingyouneedtoknowaboutthediamondcolorscaleinthisguide.,Oneofthe4Cs,diamondcolorisameasurablegradegiventoanindividualdiamondtoquantifyhowcolorlessitisalongastandardizeddiamondcolorchart.,GIA'scolor-gradingscalefordiamondsistheindust...

Diamond color

Diamonds occur in a variety of colors—steel gray, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink to purple, brown, and black. ... Colored diamonds contain ...

Diamond Color Chart, Scale & Grading

From charts to grading, find everything you need to know about the diamond color scale in this guide.

Diamond Color

One of the 4Cs, diamond color is a measurable grade given to an individual diamond to quantify how colorless it is along a standardized diamond color chart.

GIA 4Cs Color D-to

GIA's color-grading scale for diamonds is the industry standard. The scale begins with the letter D, representing colorless, and continues with increasing ...

GIA Diamond Color Grading Scale

The best diamond color grade is D color. This means the diamond is completely clear with no shade of yellow (or anything else) in it.

Learn What Diamond Color Is and What it Means

This short video explains the GIA color scale and how GIA classifies a diamond with a letter grade from D-to-Z by comparing it to masterstones representing the ...


Alrosa Color Diamond · Engagement · Art Jewelry 藝術珠寶 · Antique jewelry; 珠寶 ... Colored Diamond and Diamond Ring. 探索商品. 1.02克拉 阿蓋爾濃彩粉鑽戒. Pink ...


2024年1月19日 — 白鑽White Diamond. 定義:顏色等級在D~Z 之間的鑽石,市面上最常見的類型。 價值:鑽石越透明,就越稀有,價值也越高。 彩鑽Fancy Color Diamond.


Argyle Color Diamond · Alrosa Color Diamond · Engagement · Art Jewelry 藝術珠寶 · Antique jewelry; 珠寶類別; Rings 戒指 · Necklaces 項鍊 · Earrings 耳環 ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
